
El tratamiento de Glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria Dialysis with 10% Kidney Function

El tratamiento de Glomeruloesclerosis focal y segmentaria Dialysis with 10% Kidney Function
FSGS: Is It Possible to Stop Dialysis with 10% Kidney FunctionIs it possible for FSGS patients to stop dialysis when kidney function is as less as 10%? Before answering this question, let’s firstly found out why dialysis is the needed for FSGS patients when only 10% kidney function is left. And after that, we will understand well under what circumstance can FSGS patients stop dialysis.
Why is dialysis needed for FSGS patients with 10% kidney function?
Dialysis is a treatment that does some of the things done by healthy kidney such as purify blood. In normal cases, with the metabolism of our body tissues, many harmful and toxic substances like creatinine will be produced. These wasts are normally excreted through kidney, so when kidney function is impaired severely, they will build up in the blood.

FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) is a problem that can lead to glomerulosclerosis. Glomerulus plays the role of filtering blood in kidney, so untreated FSGS will affect kidney condition and finally cause buildup of toxins. In such a case, to protect internal organs from being damaged by toxins which should have been excreted b y kidney, dialysis is applied. Usually, dialysis is suggested when kidney function is less than 15%.

Can FSGS patients stop dialysis when only 10% kidney function left?
For FSGS patients, since dialysis is needed only when residual kidney function is not strong enough to maintain the normal life, so protecting residual kidney tissues and preventing decline of kidney function are necessary to avoid dialysis. And for these who are on dialysis and their kidney function is as less as 10%, if they want to get off dialysis, they must improve their kidney function firstly.

FSGS is a problem on glomeruli, and for the treatment that can repair injured glomeruli, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended. It is a herbal treatment and woks by performing function of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation of extracellular matrixes. With the help of this treatment, it is possible for FSGS patients with 10% kidney function to stop dialysis.



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